I'm a long time fan of the series but this would turn-off new players to the franchise with such a wall of a first boss.

There either needs to be an indicator about this boss or it needs to moved to a far later part of the game. It can swarm you with attacks before you even respond and COUNTERS you when you hit it for free damage against you the majority of the time. It's freakishly fast that the controller isn't even viable. Originally posted by Torrasque:For a first boss, the introduction to the game, no less, and I'm having FAR more trouble with it than every boss in all acts of the previous two games. I believe it's game issue that gamers using controller finding it hard to get past, not sure if all controllers are affected or only select few. I believe the mouse is faster during boss fight. Using controller I failed more than 10 times and using keyboard got past the first try. Ghost will be fast and look where it might go after hitting you and be ready, also like spider sense the camera warns you when the ghost maybe near, look where it's more red and click when the ghost is near and see where the ghost goes and hold camera there if you are lucky you will be ready for the next attack.

So here use only light attack and keyboard, if possible use heavy attack ie holding the key down. Third and final time when she goes down, the ghost comes out and is very quick like Flash and using controller will be hard as clicking sometimes will only trigger after the ghost goes away or won't trigger light attack at all. The female boss(first) is easy take photo ie light attack and avoid her attacks, two hits from her and we die, for the first time she goes down the ghost comes out but most of the time hard to click photo, ghost goes into her fast, so click again and dodge and she goes down again, ghost comes out and quickly gets inside her, during this two attempts if one is quick can click the ghost maybe 1-2 times, but use only light attacks no need for heavy ones, as it takes time and ghost is very quick. Hard with controller and easy with keyboard.